Efficient and sustainable poultry solutions

The poultry industry focuses on high-value protein production from cost-effective sources like soybean meal. Improving protein conversion from feed to meat is vital to meet global protein demands. Amino acids in feed are crucial for enhancing poultry protein production, bolstering protein supply. Meeting the increasing demand for poultry products requires ensuring top-notch quality due to concerns like bird flu, often linked to unsanitary bird conditions.

Our Products

L Lysine
lysine in box package
L-Lysine HCl in Poultry and its Benefits
  • Essential for poultry diet as a crucial supplement.
  • Effective in treating herpes lesions, speeding recovery, and reducing recurrent infections.
Influence on Muscle Growth and Meat Quality
  • Significantly influences broiler chicken muscle development, particularly in areas like breasts.
  • Affects meat cut value during further processing.
Impact on Poultry Development, Growth, and Environmental Considerations
  • Promotes healthier, faster bird growth and reduces crude protein usage by 3-4%.
  • Decreases reliance on protein-bound lysine from vegetable proteins, benefiting poultry health and minimizing environmental nitrogen removal.
lysine in box package
  • Popular food additive and ingredient globally.
  • Addition to feed reduces the use of high-priced protein feed.
  • Increases feed conversion rate, resulting in higher benefits.
Nutritional and Health Benefits:
  • Promotes absorption of other nutrients in the animal body.
  • Exhibits bactericidal effects, preventing enteritis, skin diseases, and anemia.
  • Improves animal's immune function, increases resistance, and reduces mortality.
  • Suitable for feeds of various animals including broiler chickens, meat (thin) pigs, laying hens, cattle, sheep, rabbits, squids, turtles, prawns.
  • Highly effective additive for making premixed feeds.
L Threonine
lysine in box package
Threonine (Thr):
  • Essential amino acid for animals.
  • Limiting amino acid in swine and poultry diets.
  • Plays a vital role in nutritional metabolism, macromolecular biosynthesis, and gut homeostasis.
  • Typically the third limited amino acid in broiler diets.
Importance of Adequate Digestible Thr:
  • Needed for optimum growth, immune response, and gastrointestinal mucin production.
  • Experimental analysis indicates its importance in feed conversion ratio (FCR) and body weight gain.
Correction of L-Threonine Deficiency:
  • Adding L-Threonine significantly improves live weight gain and carcass characteristics.
  • Numerically improves feed conversion ratio and breast weight.
  • Correcting the deficit with crude protein has no significant effect.
Environmental Impact:
  • L-Threonine supplementation reduces environmental burden.
  • Reduces litter nitrogen and moisture content.